Recent observations by cybersecurity experts reveal a rising threat to macOS users in the form of a Trojan-proxy, embedded within cracked applications distributed via unauthorized websites. This insidious malware poses significant risks, with attackers utilizing compromised devices for activities ranging from cyber attacks on websites, companies, and individuals to the acquisition of illegal goods. 

The Malicious Tactics

Kaspersky researchers, in a December 6 blog post, shed light on the malevolent intentions behind this macOS trojan-proxy. Attackers leverage cracked software to not only make money but also to establish a network of proxy servers or engage in criminal acts. The illicit activities facilitated by this malware include the procurement of firearms, drugs, and other unlawful goods.

Unlike legitimate applications distributed as disk images, the infected versions manifest as .PKG installers. These files, managed by the Installer utility in macOS, can execute scripts before and after installation. Notably, Kaspersky's gathered examples revealed that scripts were executed post-installation.

The researchers emphasized the historical link between illegally distributed software and malware, pointing out that users seeking cost-free alternatives often become unwitting targets for cybercriminals. The blog post notes, "They are an excellent target for cybercriminals who realize that an individual looking for a cracked app will be willing to download an installer from a questionable website and disable security on their machine."

Implications for macOS Users

Callie Guenther, Senior Manager of Cyber Threat Research at Critical Start, highlighted the severe security compromise faced by macOS users unwittingly installing the trojan-proxy. Guenther explained that these users inadvertently transform their devices into nodes for illicit activities, from hacking and phishing to facilitating transactions for illegal goods. The trojan's impact extends to the network level, effectively anonymizing cybercriminal activities by converting infected devices into proxy servers.

Guenther also emphasized the trojan's use of DNS over HTTPS (DoH) to obscure communication with command-and-control (C2), marking a significant advancement in malware stealth capabilities. She stressed the challenges posed by DoH, making the detection of malicious traffic more difficult and underscoring the need for advanced network monitoring solutions.

“The emergence of this macOS trojan-proxy underscores the evolving and increasingly sophisticated nature of cyber threats,” explained Guenther. “It highlights the need for continual adaptation and advancement in cybersecurity practices and threat intelligence methodologies to effectively combat these emerging challenges.”

The Vulnerability of Mac Users

Ken Dunham, Director of Cyber Threat at Qualys, emphasized the prolonged targeting of Mac users by botnet actors. He noted that Mac users, feeling invulnerable for years due to a lower volume of attacks compared to Windows, are now facing an increasing threat landscape. Dunham stressed that all operating systems and software attack surfaces are under attack in 2023, urging Mac users to adopt best practices and stay aware of current tactics used by attackers.

Dunham highlighted the potential long-term impact of a network exploited by a trojan-proxy, emphasizing that detection may be delayed depending on resource impact and visibility within the affected user or organization. He urged Mac users to exercise caution, recommending the use of reputable sites, scanning installers for viruses, and ideally checking them against a checksum hash value for source and code integrity.


The emergence of the macOS trojan-proxy signals a concerning trend in cyber threats targeting macOS systems. As attackers become more sophisticated, the onus is on users to remain vigilant, adopt best practices, and continually adapt their cybersecurity measures to effectively thwart these evolving challenges. Mac users, in particular, are urged to prioritize security and implement proactive measures to safeguard against the infiltration of trojan-proxy threats through seemingly innocent cracked software.

 Call to Action

If you are one of the victims of Trojan-Proxy Exploits Targeting macOS Users Through Cracked Software, take immediate action! Network 512, a leading cybersecurity and managed IT service provider in Austin, Texas, is offering a FREE 1-hour consultation to strengthen your defenses and ensure you have a secure digital environment.